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Kano Ships Its First 18,000 Learn-To-Code Computer Kits, Fueled By $1.5M Kickstarter

Kano Computing, a startup that plays in the learn to code space by adding a step-by-step hand-holding layer atop the Raspberry Pi single-board microcomputer to make hacking around with code and learning about computational thinking child’s play, has shipped all the hardware kits in its first batch of crowdfunded orders and pre-orders.

That’s around 18,000 kits in all, co-founder Alex Klein confirmed to TechCrunch. “They are all in the wild, they are out of our hands. About 1,000 have arrived already — the early bird kits. And the rest, the general release, will be arriving [shortly],” he said late last week.

The company revealed it has also taken on a new senior hire, bringing in Thomas Enraght-Moony, former CEO of, as COO. Enraght-Moony will be managing sales and marketing as Kano seeks to scale globally. “He has a deep understanding of how, not only to make physical products but also to finance it — which it quick tricky for any new business, especially a business that is making a product with so many different components and so much complexity driving towards an end goal of simplicity,” said Alex.

“Because we’re a physical product and people pre-ordered it, that was enough working capital to fulfill the first pre-order of 18,000. What Tom is going to help us put in place is, hopefully, a mixed equity debt model for the future, for Christmas season.”

Kano counts Index Ventures’ Saul Klein as a co-founder, and an investor in a personal capacity. The Kleins are also first cousins, and Saul’s young son, Micah, provided the original inspiration for building a learn to code kit so this is something of a family business. So is Micah impressed with the kits Kano is now shipping? “He’s our harshest critic,” jokes Alex. “Because he’s been there since the beginning… He still wants to build a robot as well, that is why a lot of physical stuff is interesting to us.”

The lion’s share of the first batch of Kano kits — almost 13,000 kits — were ordered via its Kickstarter campaign last year, with a further 5,000 pre-orders taken via its website. The kits cost $99 (plus shipping) to crowdfunder backers, or around $160 (plus shipping) if pre-ordered on the Kano website. The company plans to focus on selling mainly via its own web channel from here on in, according to Alex.

“The example of Xiaomi, for instance, in China, a very new consumer electronics brand, sells almost exclusively online based on buzz and word of mouth, shows that you can do hardware yourself, selling exclusively through your own channel,” he told TechCrunch. “In some ways that almost builds the anticipation in the product and around the brand because you know it’s real, you know you’re supported, you know you’re getting something fully integrated — not just in the product itself but in the buying experience as well.”

Kano Kits in this first batch are shipping to 86 countries, with around half the kits destined for the U.S., and the other half going to the rest of the world. Kano has had some interest from educational institutions wanting to purchase kits, according to Alex — such as Pearson, which bought 500 kits to use to deliver the U.K.’s new computing curriculum — although the majority of sales have gone to individuals, most of whom are buying them for kids at this point.

Each Kano kit (see gallery below for photos) consists of a box containing computing hardware — a Raspberry Pi, Bluetooth keyboard, connector cables, speaker, Wi-Fi and so on — in a plug-and-play kit form with kid-friendly paper instructions on how to connect it all together. The hardware then boots up Kano’s own software which is designed to make Linux user-friendly but also to transform it into a gamified environment focused on hacking around with code.

Kano’s big idea is to get kids excited about building stuff with software by first letting them play around with — and ultimately have ownership of — fun, colorful-looking hardware. Both hardware and software elements in the kit use a step-by-step approach to breaking down complexity — including a drag-and-drop Scratch-style programming interface, called Kano Blocks, which steps the user into the world of programming via the medium of classic games like Snake and Pong, and also kid craze du jour Minecraft. Users drag and drop graphical blocks to build code but can also switch to view the actual lines of code that these blocks are generating.

We first covered Kano last November, as it was beginning its crowdfunding journey. The company went on to raise more than $1.5 million via Kickstarter to fund production of its first batch of kits. The original estimated shipping schedule for sending the kits was July 2014 so Alex concedes there has been a slight delay in fulfilling orders.  But this of course is by no means unusual for crowdfunding projects — and especially for hardware projects. Hardware is always hard, given the need to establish component supply chains. Indeed, far longer delays are all too common for crowdfunded hardware projects so it’s to Kano’s credit that it’s only shipped less than two months late.

“Over the past 20 months we’ve put together, pretty much from scratch, a responsive supply chain in Southern China to source 36 different components from four countries. To combine them together on two different assembly lines, with four testing stations into 18,000 kits,” said Alex.

There are certainly many moving pieces involved in the Kano kits — given they encompass hardware, software and printed media, including some lovingly designed packaging and stickers, all of which has to be super simple to use.

“It’s a very complicated physical product… It relies on cutting edge hardware, pieces of technology that have only come into existence in the past six to nine months. The core of it is a development board and what came out of all this is that all the components that we’re building, the complexity, the makery feel, is all designed to serve an end goal of simplicity for the users to give them this simple-as-Lego experience. So yeah hardware is hard.

“You really have to go the extra distance, you have to break open the prototypes you receive. You have to make sure that you’ll be obsessive about the materials. And you also have to scale up your thinking in terms of working capital as well. We’re fortunate in that we’ve managed to secure working capital facility but as a hardware startup you can often be punished for success. So the more you sell and the better you do, and the faster your brand grows, the more cash constrained you find yourself.

The minor shipping delay for Kano — which saw it bump Kickstarter order fulfillment from July to September — was down to two hardware supplier-related issues. “There was an HDMI cable that we were using in the kit and it was working fine but we cracked it open to see what was inside and we found that the number of cables inside the HDMI cable was like half what it should of been. So we switched that,” said Alex.

“The other one was to do with the Kano keyboard, which has an integrated touchpad and click and the Bluetooth connectivity and USB RS as well. Pretty complicated product. And we have one main supplier for it, who was relying on a couple of sub suppliers for a few components inside. And we did a full factory audit, just before shipping — to gauge social and environmental standards, working conditions. And everyone passed with flying colors… But there was one component in the keyboard, the battery, when we went to the factory of the sub supplier it wasn’t up to our ethical standards of how we’d like to manufacture.

“This supplier was very much like China five years ago, so we ditched that supplier.”

Hands on with Kano

So what is Kano like to use? I unboxed a kit sent to me by Kano and got to work plugging it in. The hardware side is very simple, with clear instructions on how to connect up all the various components, including adding a speaker to the Pi, and ensuring it has a power source, plus adding Wi-Fi to get the computer online. The keyboard and integrated keypad is very small, so certainly best suited to child-sized hands. Everything feels sturdy enough for kids to handle and worked as it should out of the box — with the only slight snag being getting the Pi out of the packaging as it’s snugly lodged within a plastic tray padded with foam. But after lifting the entire tray out of the box it came away without trouble.

After the hardware assembly you power on the Pi and Kano’s OS layer loads, asking the user to enter a name and then running through a cute intro with an ASCII art rabbit and some other Matrix inspired graphics. Then you land in Kano OS: the software environment which sits as a layer atop Debian Linux and the Pi’s Raspbian OS to make it more user friendly. This has a simplified Windows or Chrome OS feel, with a selection of apps you can run at the bottom of the screen and a task bar offering some settings and help menus.

The apps provide access to Kano Blocks, via games such as Snake, Pong and Minecraft, as well as a music maker app. The system also supports open access to the Internet (via Chromium browser) and foregrounds a selection of web apps within the browser, such as Wikipedia and even a Try Git intro to Github. The platform is generally open so Debian stack open source apps — and other Kano users’ creations — can be freely installed by the user, via a dedicated apps area on the Kano website, and via its a community area, called Kano World.

“What this allows the OS to become now is not just a little learning with coding projects, journey structured by us, but a fully featured, customizable, high powered OS that can operate on the Raspberry Pi and other [hardware] to give normal people, beginners, a way into the magic of Linux — which has been quite hard to come by,” said Alex. “We can use the OS in some ways as a translator, as a way of getting things that were once very difficult for the normal person to participate in and making them touchable, tangible.”

Loading one of the pre-installed Kano Block game-maker apps lands the user in what is initially a linear learning environment where they are stepped through the process of — for instance — loading up and playing Java snake, and then tweaking its look and feel by typing in Javascript commands. Or messing around with Pong, being helped to change parameters such as the ball size and speed, or the colors or paddle size, and then getting to play with the changes they have made in the actual game.

The same step by step coding principles are also applied to a Minecraft learning environment — which will surely be the equivalent of catnip for kids — allowing users to manipulate Minecraft elements like blocks and player positions by making changes to the code, switching between a split screen view of Kano Blocks and the Minecraft world they are manipulating.

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