If you’re a freelancer, small business, or running a non-profit organization, fillable PDFs could be really useful for you. You might send them to clients to apply for your services, or to create a design brief for a project. You may use them yourself if you regularly need to provide clients with standard information that only changes a little, such as an invoice for payment. This article will show you how you can design your own fillable PDF form, completely free.
Free & Open Source Fillable PDF Creation
Most PDF-creating programs charge if you want to do anything more involved than reading a PDF. With LibreOffice Draw, an amazing open-source program in the LibreOffice Suite, you can take full control of creating documents including fillable PDFs, and it won’t cost you a dime.
Incidentally, LibreOffice Draw, which we covered more generally before, can be a decent overall alternative to Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator for creating art, illustrations, and documents.
Adding Plain Text
To put text on the page, click on the T symbol in the Drawing Toolbar, and then click on your document about where you want the text to go. I like to put down all the plain text (like titles, headers, and questions) first, roughly where I imagine they should go, and then move them around afterwards, taking into account the space for the answer fields.
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Free & Open Source Fillable PDF Creation
Most PDF-creating programs charge if you want to do anything more involved than reading a PDF. With LibreOffice Draw, an amazing open-source program in the LibreOffice Suite, you can take full control of creating documents including fillable PDFs, and it won’t cost you a dime.
Incidentally, LibreOffice Draw, which we covered more generally before, can be a decent overall alternative to Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator for creating art, illustrations, and documents.
Adding Plain Text
To put text on the page, click on the T symbol in the Drawing Toolbar, and then click on your document about where you want the text to go. I like to put down all the plain text (like titles, headers, and questions) first, roughly where I imagine they should go, and then move them around afterwards, taking into account the space for the answer fields.
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