DeviantART member DirkLoechel recently updated his starship size comparison table, which includes ships from many popular science fiction favourites like Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Farscape, Titan A.E., and Battlestar Galactica. If you and your mates are constantly arguing over the sizes of starships, this handy cheatsheet will decisively end the debate. Head over to DeviantART for the full resolution image.
Sometimes what we hide is more important than what we reveal. Especially, documents with sensitive information, some things are supposed to be ‘for some eyes only’. Such scenarios are quite common, even for the more un-secretive among us. You want to show someone a letter composed in MS Word, but want to keep some of the content private; or it’s an official letter with some part of it having critical data. As important as these two are, the most common use could involve a normal printing job. Many a time we have to print different versions of a document, one copy for one set of eyes and others for other sets. Rather than creating multiple copies and therefore multiple printing jobs, what if we could just do it from the same document? That too, without the hassle of repeated cut and paste. We can, with a simple feature in MS Word – it’s just called Hidden and let me show you how to use it to hide text in Microsoft Word 2007. It’s a simple single click process. Open the docum...