The Android Device Manager was launched last month. Now in a recent update, Google has added remote lock and password reset features to further add to your peace of mind. The Android Device Manager has location tracking features and also allows you to securely wipe of your data in case the phone or tablet is irretrievable. The ability to remotely lock down your device gives you an added layer of security and something you might think of applying before the drastic step of wiping all your data remotely.
The features can be triggered on any device that’s running Android version 2.2. Always, make sure Android Device Manager is turned on in your device as well. You have to sign into Android Device Manager on the web with the account associated with your device. The lock request will be immediately enabled if the device is connected to a Wi-Fi or cellular network. If the phone is off or in the Airplane Mode, the lock will take effect as soon as a data connection is established.
Locking a phone down is an option one can take if there is only a slight chance of recovering the phone. If recovered, reset your password and enter a new one. Wiping the phone data remotely is the last-chance security precaution in case there is no chance of the phone being retrieved. The Android Device Manager support article goes into the steps of the entire process.