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Cocky Soccer Goalie

Google Buzz

Many tech blogs say that Google Buzz is an unsuccessful project and Google will have to abandon it. Google Buzz is not an experimental service like Google Wave, it's an extremely important project for Google's future and it's a key component of Google's social strategy. To see how important is Google Buzz for Google, consider that Buzz wasn't launched in Google Labs. It wasn't even launched as a standalone service: Google Buzz was integrated with Gmail, one of the most popular Google products. Google Buzz is also the only Google service that has a special icon and a special search command on Google's mobile site. In less than 7 months since Buzz's launch, the service already has a powerful API , it's integrated with Google Maps , Google Reader , Picasa Web Albums and it's constantly improving . Google Buzz is actually the service planned in 2007 whose goal was to integrate Google's social applications and become the central place for s

Bookshelf Designs Unusual And Desirable

Design is everywhere, all the buildings, cars, planes, clothes and even bookshelves are designed by the designers. Such different visual design is  good inspiration source for web and graphic designers because it’s totally different creative  field somehow related of course. This collection will help you to feed your imagination with fresh and creative ideas from furniture design range. Some of the listed examples are very creative and you’ll be surprised that bookshelf could look so impressive and be functional in the same time. 1. T.SHELF 2.  “Krea” bookcase 3.  Saba Italia 4. Twin Shelves 5. The Swollen Wall 6. WisdomTree 7. Cardboard Bookshelf 8. Digitally Fabricated Bookshelf 9. Toboga Bookcase 10. Domino Expo 11. The Laica Bookshelf 12. Bibliotheque Tree 13. MYDNA Twist Bookcase 14. Books on the wall 15. Curly bookshelf 16. Circle 17. Elfa desk 18. “M40″ wardrobe and bookcase 19. Yellow 20. Bookshelf 21. Ideas for the office 22. TOTO 23. MDAY bookcase

Video Game Facebook Conversations

Sometimes I confuse the things I did in real life with things I did in video games. Like that one time I discovered a giant Duracell battery in my backyard and had to carry it all the way back to my ship… errr. Anyway, what would it be like if video game characters were real? And they were all up on that Facebook shiz? This might be what it would look like.

Gmail Priority Inbox Sorts Your Email For You.

Email overload has finally met its match. Tomorrow, Gmail is rolling out a new feature called Priority Inbox that is going to be a Godsend for those of you who dread opening your email. In short, Google has built a system that figures out which of your messages are important, and presents them at the top of the screen so you don’t miss them. The rest of your messages are still there, but you don’t have to dig through dozens of newsletters and confirmations to find the diamonds in rough. The beauty of the system lies in its simplicity — it’s nearly as easy as Gmail’s one click spam filter. There’s almost no setup: once it’s activated on your account, you’ll see a prompt asking you if you want to enable Priority Inbox. You can choose from a few options (the order of your various inboxes and if there are any contacts you’d like to always mark ‘Important’) but don’t have to setup any rules or ‘teach’ Gmail what you want it to mark important. It just works, at least most of