If you’ve been searching for a cross-platform means of communication using voice messages, text and images that works on both internal wifi and cellular networks, then Voxer is the app for you. Voxer is designed to be a push-to-talk (PTT) walkie-talkie replacement that works on both local and global networks. Using the Internet and local Wi-Fi connectability, Voxer removes the restraints associated with radio frequencies while also operating as a standalone cross-platform messaging service that gives WhatsApp a run for its money. You can send voice, text and picture messages between iOS or Android devices – for free! 10-4 The age-old concept of a walkie-talkie that depends on a maximum operating range (the more you pay, the bigger the range) is still valid in many situations. If you’re taking a trip to the mountains or an area of exceptionally bad mobile signal, walkie-talkies and spare batteries will serve you well and smartphones probably won’t. To put it frank...